Leaving Thailand, simple living, and trusting the Universe

John Mac
10 min readDec 27, 2019

When something in you changes so much that it’s hard to get along with friends and family, there’s a mismatch in frequencies. My girl and I have experienced that. We just came home from 6 months in Thailand. Norway is safe, nice, and a rich-bitch country. But it’s not the best. For us. Now we practice simple living.

In March of 2019, we had to escape the country. It was a dramatic change for a few days. Not because going from nordic nature, system and society were so bad. But because of the unpredictable nature of the move that we had to do.

Now we’re back in Norway. And it hasn’t been that pleasant. So let me share my backstory for the topic of this article. You may recognize yourself in what’s going on here.

When you’re forced to make changes in life

How would you feel having to leave the comfort of your home apartment to start living in a totally different country on the other side of the world?

Well, that’s what we decided to do. And it wasn’t pleasant at first. We felt this was like a forced move.

To recap in case you didn’t see the video on WHY we escaped Norway, I’ll update you right now.

My girl is from Californa in the U.S. And in December of 2018, she came to stay with me in Norway. But as a tourist visitor, she only had 90 days of freedom here. And getting paperwork done for her to live with me in Norway, even though I could provide for her, seemed to be harder than expected.

Not to mention that “Norway Inc.” for some silly reason needed a $1000 payment just for the application. Fuck that.

Our time staying together was running out as she was getting closer to her 90-day tourist visa limit. So we had to come up with something.

We ended up buying tickets to Thailand. Our destination was Chiang Mai. You can watch the video on our journey here on YouTube.

An unexpected outcome of joy in Thailand

So we ended up in Thailand. And that’s when things started to really flow in synchronicity with our passion and goals.

Everything in Thailand, from income, a place to stay, and a good flow of positive outcomes for our businesses started to manifest when we came to Chiang Mai. (we both work online)

My girl had great success with growing her community, doing courses, and builder her online presence.

We also lived well. Check out the video from our Thailand series on how we found our Chiang Mai luxury condo with a Zen garden and a big pool. Life was good. Though it was a nice small apartment, it was simple living with just enough to have a good time.

To sum it up, here are the benefits of being thrown out in the unknown for us:

  • It was a positive nudge to get out of the routine of stuck-ness
  • We were lifted back into “flight-mode” of progress and new opportunities
  • We got to eat a lot more healthy food for a lot cheaper
  • We got to live in a beautiful apartment and outside zen-garden
  • New motivation to working on our goals and businesses were topped up
  • We made a new positive connection with some amazing people
  • It got me to clean out old shit and reset when I got back to Norway
  • It taught us to trust the process and the Universe.

So we had some great benefits of making changes to our lives and move to another country.

But after six months here, we found it was time for us to get back to Norway. Especially for me. And we were going back to my home country with no place to live.

Because, three months before went back, in June 2019, my sister had asked to take over my apartment in Norway. I said yes. Because I would save $500 monthly and prepare for a better place for me and my girl to stay when we got back.

Our plane landed at Gardermoen airport in Norway one September afternoon. We came from 35 degrees Celcius and landed in 5 degrees. It was fresh.

After baggage claim and switching out our sim-cards we hit the airport shuttle train to the city center of Oslo. I had booked a room there for us to stay in.

That evening we started to feel it. Norway wasn’t that pleasant to come back to.

Going back to the old after six months of happiness

One thing I noticed in Chiang Mai, Thailand, was the overall peaceful energy in the city. The kindness of the Thai people and how they greet you is not something you find in Norway. They rather prefer NOT to talk.

The first evening in Norway the sounds of drunk people screaming, people fighting, prostitutes calling out their targets, and the overall noise in the cold, rainy and dark streets did not feel magical in any way.

Yes, it’s Norwegians having fun. Yes, it’s a cold Nordic country. And yes, whores are to be found in Thailand too. But we did not have the same experience in Chiang Mai at all.

So there was a mismatch in energy. This did not harmonize with us.

We left Oslo. But as we didn’t have my apartment to come back home to, we arranged with staying at a friend of mine’s house. He is a single guy living alone in a very nice house he renovated himself.

And it was quite comfy the first days. But the feeling of coming back to the old, slow, boring, and conventional 9–5 society of people with the exact same mindset, started to become depressing.

We came from a warm, bright, positive, and vibrant reality. Where lots of interesting and likeminded people had goals, worked on their dreams, eat more healthy, practiced meditation, and overall had a lot more inspiring lifestyle.

I felt like coming back to Hobit land where most of the people haven’t seen the outside of the forest yet.

I was reminded of the few choices we had to go and hang out. My girl got cut off from her newly found friends and tribe in Chiang Mai. She could not host more of her courses. And we had a hard time choosing a place to go out to work and eat more healthy. Not to mention the sick prices you have to pay in Norway to live a healthy life in general.

Combined with the dark, cold, and gloomy weather of Norway at this time of year, the positive flow and energy we had built up in Thailand started leaking. We got into a more somber and depresses state. My girl was struggling, and I saw that this grey, slow, and the less colorful landscape is not a place to live.

Especially because we didn’t feel fully at home in someone else’s house also.

Home to simplify, reset, and prepare for a new segment in life

But coming back to my home country was something we had to do. And we had other plans than just, coming home.

Norway is a safe, wealthy country with nice people. But nice doesn’t mean nice to us. A lot of people are depressed and close-minded in this country. Especially the fall time. People get closed in and have low energy. Norway has way too high a number of suicides per year to be such a “nice” country. Why is that?

Our plan for getting back was first of all for me to clean out my old apartment. And I was damn brutal about it. I got rid of 70% of my stuff!

It went to trash or I sold it. And damn…

It feels good. It’s been relieving to get rid of OLD ENERGY! To not have all that old crap to occupy my mind and take up space. All these useless things to tend to, maintain and take care of.

So I came back home to simplify and reset my life. I wanted to prepare and make room for new and positive changes. And to get ready to get back to Thailand at the beginning of 2020.

Now we have stuffed what’s left of personal belongings to a cute storage locker in my home town and put a solid key lock on it.

Speaking of life-hacks. Here’s a security tip for you! Don’t by the shitty padlocks with codes. They are crap. I opened every damn code padlock in the storage facility within 20 seconds to 5 minutes.

When you experience a mismatch in your reality

I talk a lot about dimensional shifts in my content and coaching. I make people aware of their reality in a metaphysical way.

A dimensional shift (on many levels) is taking place on this planet at this time. It’s been going on for a few years now, but it’s like its really spiking and topping up the last 2–3 years.

This shift (of consciousness and awareness) makes you experience changes too. It can be sudden changes in your reality like your family and work life. And it will most likely also be some emotional changes.

This is because of our lives and the reality we experience will be affected and rearrange things up for us. The challenges occur when people don’t know what’s going on because they lack awareness and deeper knowledge of life and our existence.

So if you’re in a time where you feel

  • Something in your life is changing and your confused
  • Connection to some friends and family is not the same anymore
  • Your work life is losing meaning
  • You have an urge to simplify and maybe move
  • A need to change your eating habits

Then the shift the planet is talking about is having an effect on you too.

This is not a time to try and brutally hold on to the old ways of life. Old habits, old friends, the same routines, the same job, the same place to live.

It is time to be more flexible, open, and fluid in your choices and decisions in life. So you can be more in the flow of positive changes and all the adjustments that eventually WILL happen over time as we go through these transformations.

What are the “shift” and the changes we’re talking about?

The changes happening on the planet, the shift, the “New Earth” is part of a big planetary upgrade that’s been prophesized for a long time. Mayans have talked about it. The bible talks about it. The native Indian tribes around the world talk about it.

And now it’s happening. If you’re scared about it or freak out, educate yourself. Gain insights. But not from conventional methods or the media. The school won’t be able to help you.

All the old negative, unhealthy, and out of balance systems and ways of life on this planet is falling apart. It’s shifting and cleansing itself where the effect will be a dimensional shift.

That’s why you also will experience this as some sort of a dimensional shift in your own life too. And some of the effects of this is that people, things, places, and other subtle changes in your surroundings (reality) will take place.

How your reality may change for you

You may see friends or family starting to fade out of your reality. You may feel that long-lasting connections to them simply does not feel right anymore. A change in your job or education may suddenly take an unexpected turn.

The same effect will be for them. You may start fading out of THEIR reality. This is what happened to us.

I remember I had talked to a lot of friends about the topic of dimensional shifts. That changes may occur, and that it could, in fact, happen between us. I seek deeper knowledge, want to become more aware and aim for personal growth. So for people around me that are not motivated by that and simply stay stuck in the old, may see me disappear in their daily life in some way.

The reason is that when you change and tune-up your awareness, your frequency changes also. And that puts you in a different reality.

And they did. My girlfriend and I faded out of our friend’s reality here in Norway. We went out of reach for them. And the way it happened is that we popped out on the other side of the world. In Thailand, which for us was a pretty different reality.

Other changes you may experience are different food cravings, the need to simplify your life, a need to detox from conventional media and entertainment. To mention a few.

So what’s should the next move be in your life?

As you read above, we clearly noticed how it felt to get back to the “old reality” as soon as we got back to Norway. Back to the same routines, same landscape, same friends doing the exact same thing and thinking the same thought that keeps them doing the exact same thing. Every day.

So we have been pushed in to see what’s good for us. And we will not be staying in Norway for long. We’re going for a couple of trips in January/February of 2020. And will be heading back to Thailand in April.

At least that’s the plan for us now. And to just have that plan and to know what’s coming for us (because we decided to) makes it feel pretty good right now.

So what’s the next move in your life right now?

How will you be using the change of the 2020 energy matrix to your benefit?

What do YOU feel, and think will happen for you in 2020?

Help me share this article and then head over to my YouTube video on the topic. Leave a comment sharing the current status of your life and what goals you have.

Originally published at https://www.motion-effect.com on December 27, 2019.



John Mac

Passionate Web Designer & Shopify Partner for years. Now a blogger and mentor teaching Self Mastery. Create Your own Success! | www.motion-effect.com